I am Prof. Dr. Ozan Yarman, a Turkish composer, pianist and music theorist. (Click for YouTube or SoundCloud channel.)
Though a musician educated in Classical Western music, I am engaged in microtonality and maqam theories. I achieved the title of “Doctor of Musicology” in 2008 and “Associate Professor of Musicology and Music Theories” in 2011.
I spearheaded the MELM > www.mtonalist.org Event in December 2011. Discovering the physical-mathematical foundations of tones, tunings, and harmonies enchant me.
I have great curiosity toward Mu’tazilite discourse, cosmology, physics, nature, history and socio-politics. Additionally, my poetry can be accessed from: http://ozanyarman.com/wpress.
I renewed this internet page in April 2009 and updated it on December 2024. It is best viewed with Firefox and Brave web browsers (under Mac ) as HTTP, not HTTPS!
Welcome to my site!
Hasan Çelebi’s calligraphy:
“Ozan / Evzani”
Ozan Yarman is a pianist, composer and music theorist with a doctorate and also an associate professorhip degree in Musicology.